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Monthly Archives: December 2009

And the Winner is…

Ms K and her daughter M!!!! Congratulations! You’re the winner of $1000 worth of custom photography with moi! Ms K’s sister sent me the most lovely letter explaining why her sister and niece deserve this amazing gift. I could just feel the love coming through her words and I’m so excited to capture this mother/daughter team in a way that they will cherish for years to come. I’ll be in touch soon with all the details. Oh, and Laurel, don’t forget you win $250 print credit towards a future order for yourself as well! Congratulations to all of you. I hope this gift will make your holidays just a little bit brighter.



St. Louis Photographer

Happy Holidays!

Heading out of town for a few days for the holidays! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and if you and/or loved ones are traveling, please be safe. See you next year!

Oh, and one more thing before I head on out… If you have anyone you’d like to nominate to win $1,000 worth of custom photography with me, you still have a chance. I haven’t received any nominations as of yet and would hate for this prize to go to waste when so many are in need. See all details on the contest by clicking here.  You have until the end of tomorrow (December 23) to e-mail me your stories at

St. Louis Children's Photographer

Athens, Georgia |
